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Welcome to our website!



Dear Visitor,

Welcome to our institute’s website and thank you for your interest. As the leader of the institute, please, let me introduce the Human Services Centre of Balmazújváros Micro-region!

In May 2009, by combining and restructuring the predecessor Family and Child Welfare Service and the Social Services Centre was created this institutional form, wich in the Balmazújváros Micro-region now provides its statutory public service missions. These are: social care, family support, child and youth protection. Our institution, due to its own type, provides social care, specialist care and child welfare services.

Our basic social cares are the follows:

- catering,
- home help,
- signaling home care,
- day care - elderly club
- support services,
- community cares,
- family support.

The scope of specialist social care includes: services providing nursing and care, so the nursing home.

Our child welfare services are the follows: child welfare service; deputy gardian's activity.


As you can see, our activities are diverse, comprehensive and responsibilities are enormous.  In the administrative area of Balmazújváros, Hortobágy, Egyek and Tiszacsege working to a high standard, continuously, would have been impossible without an enthusiastic, professionally trained and fully committed team of professionals, which is available from the Human Service. To me and to my colleagues this is a primary concern, that our customers and everyone who use our services find real help, feel secure and peace of mind, in short, be satisfied. And this is not an easy task, especially in the current economic situation. That is why I am particularly proud of those achievements - whether minor personal success or significant progress in making winning projects - which in recent years we have achieved with excellent teamwork. In the coming years is expected, that the area of ​​social benefits will grow in importance. For a responsible manager, this means primarily job increase. However, I look to the future with confidence, knowing that we will able to cope with the obstacles and, the familiar quality of human services will not decrease.


Finally, allow me to welcome You on behalf of the employees of the three member institutions: Life-House, Nursing-Home and the "Liget" Community House and, to offer our help in the following areas:


elderly people living institutional care; day care for addicts; communal psychiatric services ; home and institutional rehabilitation care; home care; deputy gardian's care; family support; social catering; social employment; child welfare and other social services; signaling home help; supporting service.


If you are interested, or looking for specific information, please log in, use the menu on the top and sides! Or try the Search function on the frontpage, right next to the Calendar! This also works well. Enter a word or phrase to narrow the results, for example "home care" and, in the hit list select the page you are affected! But you should also see our rich Photogallery. If you have not visited our site yet or have no time to surfing, use the Sitemap in the top menu.


Please have a look around our site! Spend a pleasant and useful time!



Ágnes Figéné Nádasdi
leader of the institute



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